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  • Writer's pictureMinh Nguyen

Find Supply Chain Management Vendors to Get the Best Integrated Warehouse Solutions

A proper supply chain management system is the perfect business solution for current economic constraint facing global enterprise. This kind of system is well-positioned to address the economic realities dealing in worldwide markets where costs are increasing and competition and customer demand is further increasing and intensifying. With this, the demand for supply chain management vendors and their services is also at its peak and it is also suggested that there is a greater need for vendor services to help support, improve applications to meet business needs, environments and processes. Not just that, supply chains give businesses a competitive advantage in the marketplace and help alleviate risks related to acquiring raw materials and delivering products or services.

It was recently noted that industry consolidation was steady among business application and SCM vendors with significant acquisitions in the past few years. With the given market’s fragmentation of vendors and solutions and the continued expansion of vendor’s capabilities within supply chain technologies, consolidation of vendors is expected to try and follow what has occurred in the enterprise resource planning market. However, given the breadth of needs across supply chains and functional domains, a longer time-line with more activities is expected unlike the enterprise resource planning market. SAP, Oracle, JDA Software, Ariba, Manhattan Assoc., were rated among the top five supply chain management vendors in 2007, services from these companies have been ever increasing and there are interesting and fascinating stories about how much they have succeeded and contributed towards worldwide revenue growth in the $6 billion market. With revenues at the supply chain vendors increasing by 17.6% from 2006 to 2007, there could never be a better time than this to become a supply chain management vendor and help bring integrated warehouse solutions to businesses that need them for growth.

Among the top advantages of supply chain management is the incorporation of quality techniques such as quality management systems to improve operations. Most successful companies put out feelers to know and understand the best ways to overcome challenges and deliver better services for greater customer satisfaction and more growth for businesses. This way it becomes a reality check and helps them develop a strategy that would work in everyone’s advantage and get rid of systems that are not very promising. In the end, it is all about delivering products and services from businesses to end-users to maintain balance in the market and SCM vendors with their integrated warehouse solutions help get the needful done.

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