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  • Writer's pictureMinh Nguyen

Why You Should (Probably) Hire A Professional Warehouse Designer

You might be thinking, Why should I hire a warehouse designer when I can do it myself? And perhaps you do have some of the skills necessary to configure a warehouse. Maybe you have what it takes to design the rack layout, or you have experience with permitting. The list goes on, but it would be the rare facility owner who truly has knowledge of all facility design aspects, much the less the time it takes to put all these things together. There are many reasons for hiring a professional warehouse designer to design your facility; here’s a look at some of them.

Maximum Efficiency

Efficiency is the most important player in your warehouse design. Everything from the layout to the type of storage systems you select to the equipment you use will all affect your overall efficiency. No two facilities or businesses are the same, and no one size fits all. A design professional will analyze your specific and unique needs to create a custom storage and material handling system that will make the best possible use of the available floor space, as well as vertical space, in your warehouse. A warehouse designer will also determine what type of rack systems (or combination of rack systems) and equipment will best optimize your facility for maximum efficiency.


A warehouse designer will leverage the latest technology to design your warehouse layout for maximum product storage, the most efficient handling, and operational flexibility. They can also recommend technologies and software that will enhance communication, reduce handling, streamline picking procedures, and optimize loading and shipping.

Operational Assessment

Facility design is more than just space-planning; it involves a careful analysis of current operations, as well as planning for future growth. A warehouse designer will factor in your current growth rate and plan for overstock storage, as well as future expansion.


Incorporating environmentally sustainable design initiatives into your facility design is a win-win because it will save you money in the long run– and it’s the right thing to do. Many design professionals can guide you in making eco-friendly choices that will minimize energy use, reduce waste, conserve water, and optimize environmental quality. Your designer may also be aware of the many federal and state tax incentives available to companies that employ sustainable practices.


Taking advantage of permitting services for your facility and rack systems will save you a lot of valuable time, as well as a lot of headaches. Warehouse designer pros experienced in permitting know the ins and outs to get the job done in a timely manner to avoid costly delays and to insure a sign-off that works for your schedule.

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